Monday, October 20, 2008

Economic History of Islamic Accounting

I care about how our historical accounting?
Imam Syafi'i said: "He who learn Reckoning (accounting), a good living."

by. Rasyidin

Almah, Bartolomes Luca Pacioli, a "Renaissance man", is one of the many fields, ranging from religious to the military, from mathematics to medicine.
He is assisted by Leonardo da Vinci in the making of his Divina Proportione, and instead Pacioli help calculate the materials for the bronze statue of Leonardo paper called Duke Lidovico Sforza in Milan

When Pacioli distribute a book "Summa de Arithmetica, Geometria, Proportioni et Proportionalita" which contains a chapter on accounting, namely on 10 November 1494 M, Pacioli mentioned in the book that records the system-side or double-entry transactions with debit and credit has been since there is a long time but since he did not mention when and where the system has been there since long.

Questions that arise are: Who found the side-system recording the transaction? Where is it? And how this system can switch into the hands of the Italian people?
Some historians consider that the system has been known by the population first, and the system is spread in Italy through trade, is meant by Muslims. For, Muslims have formed a strong trade relationship with the Italian people; (proven that the currency some Arab nations is the dinar currency is the nation's first Roman era). And there is none that precede them in doing so, since the European exit from the darkness.
Actually this is already a long time, but until that time is not yet complete, so it has not felt the need to register in the form of double-entry (or is it not feel happiness). For example, the writing is no longer, but the manipulation of numbers with the arithmetic recently found.

One other thing that proves is that the Roman characters used in the italian time is not know zero. Zero, which is then used comes from the number in the Arab character. The discovery of the Arab figures to replace the Roman numbers help in the development of accounting.
I was writing I 12345678.90 use roman numerals ...!!

Evidence is written in the Year 1202 M. Where is the incorporation of year figures Arab and arithmetic - which both brought by Muslims - to Europe, namely through a book written by Leonardo of Pisa or Bonnaci Putra, known as Fibonnaci. (still remember the lessons in mathematics of Fibonacci progression?), which many travel to the Arab world
Book Fibonacci get attention from big traders, because it provides a new way penomoran from one to ten. How this will not be presented to the people of Europe except in Italy after the real successful implementations in the country in the penemunya Islam, Muslims. With this system, accounting problems faced by traders at that time successfully completed.

Every science grow from a skill effort. Before becoming the science, there must be the practice and experience, based on this, it is the knowledge that results from experience that determine the signs of it.
The fuqaha 'said that among the obligations of a Muslim is to learn the laws of worship that made the prayer, shaum, charity and hajinya legitimate. Similarly, he must know the laws of selling and buying if you want to act as a trader and learn accounting, so that he does not do zhalim and not dizhalimi.

Pacioli before writing the book in which Mr. and make digelari Accounting, the Arab Muslim traders have been using the technique of double entry in the record their transactions. In the era of the caliphs spam, there are two professions that Muhasib (from the computation) and Muhtasib (from the word hisbah). The first is that accountants, auditors, who are second or supervisors S

I enjoy this interesting, please read paragraph 282 Al Baqarah. That is one paragraph terpanjang in the Al-Quran, and the "tell" about the science accounting ..! 700 years before the birth Paccioli ..
Do believe? I'd like illuminated here? Long bo ..! ^ ^

It continues 282 verses why? It seems as if enclosed by 8-digit numbers 2, which can be viewed as the principle of balance of left and right ..:)

As I and you all have a personal accountant who always took you to go, not just one but two. From the name and ID card Cardnya legible name Rakib and the only Atid ....
Continue the story from the owner, soon there will be auditors, not just one but two, with an Munkar and Nakir name ...
Japan also believes? Spekles * I smell ...


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